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Selectmen's Minutes 2013/06/17
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, June 17, 2013

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Suzanne Gottling, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Absent: Emma Smith Vice Chairman
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM

Review of Items for Signature:
Parcel ID: 0114-0007-0000 11 Brown Hill Rd., Art Springsteen
Parcel ID: 0238-0043-0000  45 Penacook Path, Steven Swenson
Parcel ID: 0235-0091-0000 490 Edgemont Rd., Nancy Stasz Kiewicz
Parcel ID: 0103-0027-0001 Oakridge Rd., Jon Barrett
Parcel ID: 0113-0007-0000 126 Brown Hill, Lawrence Hicks by Selectman Gottling and Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
Land Disturbance:
Parcel ID: 0144-0019-0000 Emily Lane, Gregory & Deborah Laroza
Parcel ID: 0103-0027-0001 Oakridge Rd., Jon Barrett by Selectman Hastings and Selectman Trow, unanimous.
Demolition Permit:
Parcel ID: 0112-0013-0000 58 Woodland Road, Mark & Kristen Begor By Selectman Trow and Selectman Hastings.

7:00PM Highway Director: Scott Hazelton
Scott Hazelton updated the Board on the paving projects one and two have been completed and have both come in under budget.  With the remaining money in the budget, Scott Hazelton is proposing to redesign Winn Hill Rd., the paved portion from Rte. 11 up to the crest of the hill.  Selectman Gottling asked what Scott Hazelton meant by redesigning Winn Hill Rd. Scott Hazelton stated that it was redesigning the roadway within its existing physical space.  Scott Hazelton stated that there are many rocks and boulders within the road along with other issues such as drainage that need to be reconfigured before the road can be tarred.  See attached sheet for more detail.  Scott Hazelton also updated the Board on the Covered Bridge.  The shingles and copper top ridge will be in tomorrow.  It will take them about a week to put on the shingles.  There is no official date for the setting of the bridge because they are still negotiating with the crane companies.  John Augustine asked if they thought it might be finished before the Fourth of July.  Scott Hazelton stated he thought it might be done by the Fourth of July.  

Public Comments: John Augustine stated that there is a Harbor House Livery Committee Meeting tomorrow, Tuesday June 18, 2013 at 5:00PM at the Livery.  He encourages someone from the Board to attend the meeting. John Augustine also wanted an update from Donna Nashawaty on the Memorandum of Understanding with Better Future Alliance.  A draft has been worked on and sent back to the Better Future Alliance.  Everything is still in the works.  John Augustine wanted to know if there was a deadline for it to be done.  A deadline has not been established as of yet.
Peter Urbach stated that in the future it would be nice if the public who attend the Board meeting have access to the paperwork that is being discussed.

Selectmen Action
Perkins Pond Right of Way Certificate-Donna Nashawaty  update the Board that there were still pieces that needed to be completed and it would be moved to the next agenda.
Claremont Savings Bank-Perkins Pond-Donna Nashawaty updated the Board and it is now in the hands of the attorneys.  This item will be moved to the next meeting agenda.
Use of Facilities:
        BenMere Bandstand, Kendell Wedding, 6/30/13
        Motion made to approve the wedding by Selectman Gottling and Selectman Trow, unanimous.
        Sunapee Harbor, Memorial Celebration, 6/15/13
        Motion made to approve the Memorial Celebration by Selectman Hastings and Selectman Trow, unanimous.

Chairman’s Report:  Chairman Gallup did not have anything to report.  Selectman Gottling stated that Tuesday, June 25 would be the County Convention.  Chairman Gallup asked about how the budget ended up.  Selectman Gottling stated that there would be no increase as of now.  

Town Manager Reports
        Katz Abatement Request
        The Board stated that although they understand the request, the property owner had many opportunities to appeal and did not file the appeals.  The letter would state that the request would be denied as not to set a precedent for the future.  Donna Nashawaty was asked to send a letter to the taxpayer.           
        Monthly budget through end of May
        Donna Nashawaty stated that the budget was on target.  No major issues to be concerned about.
        Employee issue-
        Donna Nashawaty approached the Board with a request to make an exception to the policy but not an official change.  The employee out on medical leave has used all their sick and vacation time and another employee has offered 40 hours of their sick time to be given to the employee out on leave.  The Board authorized this exception for this instance only.  There was no policy change.
A motion was made by Chairman Gallup to allow the transfer of forty hours of sick time from one employee to another outside of the personal policy seconded by Hastings, unanimous.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:40PM
Submitted by,
Heather L. Weir                 


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                                  Suzanne H. Gottling

_________________________               _____________________________
Joshua Trow